Nordlond Bestiary: A record by every measure
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Nordlond Bestiary: A record by every measure

Wow. What a freakin’ day. So awesome. Tomorrow there’s no rest for the wicked, and I’m chatting with ShipQuest in the UK talking international shipping. If I have any good news, I’ll pass it on. But here are some stats: We raised $52,223. This outperforms my prior best Kickstarter (Four Perilous Journeys) by about $12,000….

Bestiary: A Surge! A Palpable Surge!
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Bestiary: A Surge! A Palpable Surge!

(with apologies to Hamlet) Surge on! Surge on! Holy. Crap. I mean, really. Between Kickstarter glitching and lagging by $1300-$1800 (ow, muh ulcers!) and now being less than $1500 from the NEXT stretch goal at $50,000 for 192 pages… Things are getting very interesting, and still with five hours to go on the Nordlond Bestiary…

The Bestiary and Enemies Book Funded and More!
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The Bestiary and Enemies Book Funded and More!

Please jump on to the Kickstarter and help deliver the best Bestiary possible! Thanks to a surge of support, the Bestiary funded on Dec 2. Now, it’s all about the stretch goals! The book grew to 144 pages! Crushed a stretch goal! The book is now 144 pages long. From here out, every $4,000 gets…