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The Bestiary and Enemies Book Funded and More!

Please jump on to the Kickstarter and help deliver the best Bestiary possible!

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Thanks to a surge of support, the Bestiary funded on Dec 2. Now, it’s all about the stretch goals!

The book grew to 144 pages!

Crushed a stretch goal! The book is now 144 pages long. From here out, every $4,000 gets 16 more pages, with the next goal at $42,000 for 160 pages. This continues until 240 pages.

Foundry VTT Support Announced

Thanks to a lot of work and cooperation by Steve Jackson Game, “Nick and Nose,” and the Foundry VTT, Gaming Ballistic is thrilled to include Foundry VTT support for the Bestiary monsters in the VTT Pack add-on!

The campaign is really taking off. We have surpassed the backer count of Hall of Judgment. We crushed the dollars raised for Delvers to Grow. We’re closing in on the backer count (and best-ever for the DFRPG campaigns I’ve run) of Citadel at Norðvorn. There are enough people following to get the job done and more … if they pledge.

Please Pledge!

This book is the fantasy Bestiary we GURPS fans – and I’m absolutely one of them – have been asking for since 2004. Hardback. Full color. Optional use as doorstop or bullet-resistant panel (though you might want to buy several for that) remains optional. But this is it, and we’re down to the last few days.

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I Want More Monsters (and I cannot lie)

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