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Rul Scararm – S&W Character in 5th Edition

My Swords and Wizardry character in the game I play with +Erik Tenkar is Rul Scararm, a former mercenary fighter. Inspired in no small part by +Peter V. Dell’Orto converting his own character, Mirado, into the new basic rules, I decided to do the same thing. I made a few different character decisions that are available to me in 5th…

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GURPS Horror: The Madness Dossier is released!

GURPS Horror: Madness Dossier is out! As you’ve seen in this space before, I’m a big fan of +Kenneth Hite‘s work, and this setting for GURPS Horror is no exception. I have to review why I was listed as a reviewer – I got a comp copy – but I got a preview of this one, liked…