S&W B-Team Strikes Back: Castle of the Mad Archmage

We started out, after the usual banter, buying healing potions (4 at 130gp each) and +Peter V. Dell’Orto hired two hirelings and a 14-year old torchbearer. We called them Red 1 and Red 2 to start, and decided that the torchbearer was an exchange student, and we’d be giving him two gp and one credit. We enter…

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Alternate GURPS III – By Default designer’s notes

I’m riffing a bit off of +Christopher R. Rice and +Antoni Ten Monrós chatting about their own article, Team Up, in this month’s issue, Pyramid #3/65: Alternate GURPS III. I’ll be reviewing the entire thing sometime soon, after the Blog Carnival finishes up and I get all the stuff done for it (mostly two more interviews; three if I…

March 2014 Blog Carnival: Five Days Left!

There are five days remaining in the RPGBA Blog Carnival for March 2014! The topic is VTTs, Online Gaming, and (by extension), computer gaming aids. There’s lots to talk about here. My post from earlier this week, where I actually discuss my experiences with Fantasy Grounds, formed after interviewing +Doug Davison , was quite widely read. So:…