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GURPS 101: Guest Blogger GEF talks Socal Traits, Part 3 of 4

This is a guest blog column by Geoffrey Fagan. He doesn’t have a blog himself, but participated regularly in the GURPS Forums under the username GEF. Part III: Reaction ModifiersWhen you can’t do it on your own, you ask for help and roll on the Reaction Table. This is the one time in GURPS, other…


New Ammo Type: Holy Grail or Marketing Hype

There’s a new bullet in town, and naturally things are all atwitter. What would the stats be if you did the new RIP bullets in GURPS? It’s basically a solid copper bullet, with trochars that are designed to expand (like other hollow-point bullets like the Ranger SXT and other ‘petal’ style ammo). The difference lies…


Gaming Ballistic’s Firing Squad: Richard LeBlanc and David Welborn and the d30 Sandbox Companion

Last week I sat down with +Richard LeBlanc and +David Welborn of New Big Dragon Games Unlimited to discuss, largely, the d30 Sandbox Companion. It’s been #1 on the RPGNow “best seller” list for some weeks in a row, and after +Erik Tenkar and +Tim Shorts raved about it, I decided to check it out. My reiview was decidedly positive. I asked if…