
Gaming Ballistic’s Firing Squad: Vlogging about Blogging with Erik Tenkar

This session of Gaming Ballistic’s Firing Squad has me sitting down with +Erik Tenkar of Tenkar’s Tavern. I first became aware of Erik through a few links to his blog, and rapidly realized that he puts a lot of content on there, as Dyvers estimated in his Great Blog Roll Call: an average of 85 posts per month….

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GURPS 101: Responding to a pair of GURPS 101 posts

Looks like things are getting more interesting. Geoffrey Fagan made some notes on Social Traits in GURPS, with three more parts on the way (to appear weekly). Also, Roger Bell-West has started a blog of his own, and has penned an article on Rapid Fire and Shotguns in GURPS 4th edition. Responding to both! Social Traits…

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Melee Academy: Future Topic Announcement

In the spirit of my open invitation to contribute to Melee Academy and GURPS 101 posts: The topic for Melee Academy for Feb 6, 2014 will be Fighting People Better Than You This started life as a not-quite joke between me and +Peter V. Dell’Orto, where we were going to talk about how to use fodder-level…