
Technical Grappling Q&A – Part 1

With any new system that introduces new mechanics, questions come up. Technical Grappling introduces some new stuff, such as Trained ST, Bite ST, Control Points, and a host of changes and tweaks to existing mechanics. I thought I’d throw down a list of the questions I’ve had to answer, either on the SJG Forums, my…

Greetings, Daily Illuminators

A shout-out to all those visiting from the Daily Illuminator! September 14, 2013: GURPS On Gaming Ballistic Douglas Cole over at Gaming Ballistic has an extensive interview with Sean Punch, the line editor for GURPS. Among other things, they discuss GURPS‘ strengths, weaknesses, and quirks, compare and contrast it to other systems out there, talk about realism, and discuss the Rule of Awesome. It’s a…


Technical Grappling mentioned in TV Tropes!

From Grappling with Grappling Rules GURPS. Made worse by the incredible number of factors that GURPS has to account for. Of course the other tactical combat are just as complex and anyone who can use those on the fly wouldn’t be too concerned by the grappling rules. Fourth Edition isn’t so bad; grappling is taken as an…