
The Dam Cracks: A Deluge of GURPS Approacheth?

Thursday is GURPS-Day, but I’m glad I was late this week! The inimitable +Sean Punch updated the GURPS thread of his Livejournal, where he gives weekly work-in-progress notes, and this week was a doozy. Reposting the text here with some formatting changes, he announced: We set art deadlines and/or release dates for many projects that were moving…


Returning to the ebb and flow of combat: All-Out Whatevers

Revisiting a theme: what about the interplay between attacks, defenses, maneuvers, and combat options? All-Out Attacks Over in the SJG Forums on June 7, a poster was wondering about All-Out Attack, and if the “you lose your defenses” thing is too harsh. Some posters pointed out that All-Out Attack was unrealistic, awful, a death sentence,…

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Melee Academy – Team Tactics 101

Welcome to the third installment of Melee Academy! Today we’re going to deal with team tactics. While +Peter V. Dell’Orto is throwing down with a post on how to keep your berserker buddy alive to rage, maim, and kill with proper gusto, I thought I’d approach this from a back to basics type philosophy. That…