
Ready, Aim, and Aim, and Aim, and . . .

When I wrote the post on making snap decisions under fire, I touched on aiming a bit, as well as tracking targets. I’m going to revisit that a bit, somewhat inspired by this thread, but not entirely. I’m going to be speaking qualitatively here, since some of the ideas kicking around in my head might…

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Actual Play: GURPS DF Jade Regent – Ravenscraeg 7

GM: +Nathan Joy  Players: +Mark Langsdorf , +Theodore Briggs , +Kevin Smyth , +Emily Smirle  The Boss Fight The game starts out with fire shooting out of a well in the center of the room. We initially fear monsters or death . . . but it turns out to be the sword we’ve been looking for all this time, narrowly wedged down the…

Escaping from the pit trap (Paizo and SJG) revisited

A while ago, I wrote a note about the relative perils of doing what is effectively a joint venture between any two companies. This was in relation to how cool I thought it would be, nonetheless, to have the world of Golarion written up for GURPS, and available for actual adventures. I’m playing and writing about…