
Sticking it to ’em: Impaling vs Piercing Damage

+Peter V. Dell’Orto noted here that sometimes there’s a bit of a mental squaaawwwk! when it comes to comparing piercing vs. impaling damage types. He makes some good points, and partly, this ties into penetration and injury GURPS-physics. Impaling damage, by and large, is assumed to result from a deep, often narrow, penetrating injury that gets…

Realistic, Believable, Cinematic: Orthogonal basis set of fun

Every now and then people talk. Usually on game forums. And they say things like: “Oh, yes. I like my flying dragons that eat starships and crap magical poop to be realistic.” My thoughts on that were similar to how Bill Stoddard replied when someone commented that an increase in Basic Speed granted by a magical…


Pathfinder Read-through – Chapter 1: Getting Started

Actually, I’ll start with the Table of Contents. Sixteen Chapters, about 572 pages to the index; compare GURPS Basic Set, Fourth Edition at . . . 569. Coincidence? I think not! The first chapter is preceded by the Introduction, which is about what forces led to Pathfinder as a game. That’s an interesting read, and…