Forthcoming (Part 2)
Upcoming posts include: Serve up the fun or don’t serve at all Don’t forget to check the weather Cabaret Chicks on Ice, the Sequel! Realistic, Believable, Gritty, Cinematic
Some who come to this space may wonder: “What in hell is he talking about? Roleplaying game? Isn’t that kinda kinky?” Well, yes, if you do it right. Kidding, kidding. Mostly. But more seriously, for the moms out there who have wondered what their offspring was wasting their time with for the last 30 years…
All GURPS damage has three parts to it, even if much of the time they’re implicit. In order of how it’s applied, which is our first point of potential controversy! 1) Armor divisor. Yes, on a hit and a failed defense if one is allowed, the first thing you probably do as ask “how much armor,…