
In defense of the cinematic (Damage and Quick-Shooting Bows)

I do a lot of posting about “realistic” stuff, and increasing the verisimilitude and simulationism achievable – hopefully at minimal cost – for GURPS. An example – instead of being able to accelerate from a standing stop to full Move in one turn, if you halve your acceleration (so on turn one, Joe average can…


Making your own Luck – Soldier and Tactics

One thing that appeared in GURPS Martial Arts (by +Peter V. Dell’Orto and +Sean Punch ) is the concept of the tactics-based ‘reroll.’ Martial Arts, the Basic Set, Monster Hunters, Impulse Buys Found on p. 60, under the skill description for Tactics, it presents a few different ways Tactics can help you. There’s an abstract option where the leaders…

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Observations on Guns Combat in GURPS

The Alien Menace game has given me some good insights into some of the slow and fast parts of playing high action tactical combat with GURPS. Fair warning, this is going to be a bit stream of consciousness. Much like life, the importance of telescoping time when you can – the “Cautious Advance/XCOM Movement” style where…