Throwback: I still don’t like impaling

Another throwback while I edit 90 minutes of video from my daughter’s musical peformance last weekend and ensure I meet my Violent Resolution commits. Today’s throwback is a series of posts that deal with the impaling damage type. The first is from Jan 2013, basically within a month of starting the blog, where I complain…


You got your GURPS in my D&D 2 – slashing mace

I saw a question on the RPG Stack Exchange which got my wheels turning briefly. “Hey,” said a user. “I want to use a particular ability in 3.5, but it requires two slashing weapons, and my guy uses maces. I want a slashing mace!” The question also had a lot of rules-specific questions about some…

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Giant Creatures Get Shot

+Mark Langsdorf has a neat new campaign idea, Mecha Against the Giants, he’s working on. Go read it, then come back. Got it? Good. Anyway, as he and +Peter V. Dell’Orto discuss how to account for a giant’s DR, or basically deal with the issue that to something SM+4 (30′ tall), an M16 shouldn’t probably be much threat. That…