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Three Takes on Sleep (DnD/S&W, GURPS, Night’s Black Agents)

+Tim Shorts over at Gothridge Manor just wrote two pieces on the Sleep spell.  It called my attention to something that I didn’t pay much mind to, since I play a boring old fighter. Or young fighter. Whatever. Tim’s character Minister has used sleep to good effect before, but I didn’t really realize how darn powerful…

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S&W Castle of the Mad Archmage: Comedy of Errors

We started off looking for potions. Didn’t see any. Went down the stairs this time, then wandered down a slope. Kicking in a door gave us another hallway, but the other direction led to four giant scorpions. Killing them netted over 2,047 gp, and four pieces of jewelry (250 gp each, for 1,000). Continuing on,…

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Rul Scararm – S&W Character in 5th Edition

My Swords and Wizardry character in the game I play with +Erik Tenkar is Rul Scararm, a former mercenary fighter. Inspired in no small part by +Peter V. Dell’Orto converting his own character, Mirado, into the new basic rules, I decided to do the same thing. I made a few different character decisions that are available to me in 5th…