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GURPS Alien Menace: Session 2

Tonight we rejoined Our Heroes in the ice caves on a far off world. +Tim Shorts couldn’t make it, so we quickly recruited +Jake Bernstein, who joined +Peter V. Dell’Orto, +Christopher R. Rice , and +Nathan Joy in the quest to kill the aliens and take their stuff. The Long Fight No play-by-play transcript as I usually do when I’m playing, because my…

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GURPS 101: Responding to a pair of GURPS 101 posts

Looks like things are getting more interesting. Geoffrey Fagan made some notes on Social Traits in GURPS, with three more parts on the way (to appear weekly). Also, Roger Bell-West has started a blog of his own, and has penned an article on Rapid Fire and Shotguns in GURPS 4th edition. Responding to both! Social Traits…