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GURPS Alien Menace: Session 2

Tonight we rejoined Our Heroes in the ice caves on a far off world. +Tim Shorts couldn’t make it, so we quickly recruited +Jake Bernstein, who joined +Peter V. Dell’Orto, +Christopher R. Rice , and +Nathan Joy in the quest to kill the aliens and take their stuff. The Long Fight No play-by-play transcript as I usually do when I’m playing, because my…

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Alien Menace Game Prep

A quick post. I’ve been getting ready for the follow-on session to the incomplete Alien Menace starter this weekend. We had to cancel last time due to sickness, ComiCon, and general beat-down-ness. Some things I realized: It’s really handy to have pre-planned encounters. +Eric hil walked me through how to generate those, and there’s a specific order…