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Alien Menace 2.1 – What went wrong and right

Yesterday’s Alien Menace session was fun, but I think could have been better in a few areas, and they represent some teachable moments for me as I get my GM hat back on. Concept The concept of the mission started with an idea about a different alien type. Rather than just sectoids, I decided to…

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Alien Menace and the Megadungeon

A while back I commented that there seemed to be a real advantage to megadungeon play where it came to front-loading the prep. Well, we brought little Melody back from the hospital today, and looking forward to our first night home, I had been hoping to get in a session after we put my eldest…

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Making new gamers one by one

I am now outnumbered and flanked. We welcomed Melody Alexis Cole to our gaming circle yesterday.  She clocked in at just shy of 50cm and 2.9kg, and thus far – with one exception last night – has been a pretty content little cuddle-monkey. Her big sister loves calling herself a big sister. Mom is feeling…