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What is Grappling anyway?

Over on the SJG Forums, a thread emerged that has started to wind down with an interesting question. GURPS (and other systems) author Bill Stoddard asked a basic question. Acknowledging that his real-world experience with grappling was basically zero, and his familiarity with the goals and methods and lingo was limited enough that, well, let’s use his…

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Giant Creatures Get Shot

+Mark Langsdorf has a neat new campaign idea, Mecha Against the Giants, he’s working on. Go read it, then come back. Got it? Good. Anyway, as he and +Peter V. Dell’Orto discuss how to account for a giant’s DR, or basically deal with the issue that to something SM+4 (30′ tall), an M16 shouldn’t probably be much threat. That…


Lifting ST, Striking ST, and ranged weapons

In a recent thread on the SJG Forums, forumite Kenneth Latrans notes he does not like that The Deadly Spring used Lifting ST instead of Striking ST for bows, which he describes as a “striking-related action.” I’ll admit I was quite deliberate about putting Lifting ST in place of Striking ST. For real warbows, like…