
Dual-Weapon Attack and Rapid Strike

I’ll just start by assuming the conclusion: Dual-Weapon Attack should die. I’m not saying it doesn’t serve a purpose, but I think Dual-Weapon Attack should be relegated to a special case of Rapid Strike, rather than a separate thing. What you say? Let’s look at DWA vs Rapid Strike, and see what gives. First something…


Making your own Luck – Soldier and Tactics

One thing that appeared in GURPS Martial Arts (by +Peter V. Dell’Orto and +Sean Punch ) is the concept of the tactics-based ‘reroll.’ Martial Arts, the Basic Set, Monster Hunters, Impulse Buys Found on p. 60, under the skill description for Tactics, it presents a few different ways Tactics can help you. There’s an abstract option where the leaders…