Forthcoming on the Firing Squad: Ken Hite, Richard LeBlanc, and Erik Tenkar

I’ve got three interviews either lined up or in the works: +Kenneth Hite has agreed to join me on the Firing Squad sometime shortly. We’ll be discussing GURPS, Trail of Cthulhu and Night’s Black Agents, and Day After Ragnarok. I’ll try and schedule this one later in the week, but NBA and DAR require some serious…

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Gaming Ballistic’s Firing Squad: Leonard Balsera (Lead Designer for FATE Core)

After my first two interviews, I tried to branch out. I contacted +Fred Hicks, to talk about FATE Core and its success – and he referred me to +Leonard Balsera, who was the design lead on the project. I gratefully accepted, and when Leonard returned from a busy convention schedule, we set up some time…

Future Gaming Ballistic Interviews shaping up

I’ve got at least two interviews in the “scheduling and working out details” phase. The first, which would hopefully occur in the next few days, is +Leonard Balsera , designer/writer of FATE Core and the +Dresden Files RPG among other things. The second is +Kenneth Hite. We’re still working on scheduling due to a very busy convention schedule, but he’s definitely…