Contact Right

+Fred Brackin shoots and scores, I think, in this comment in a very, very, very, uselessly very long thread over on the SJG Forums: The core problem outside comparative expense of Allies who could the same thing and more is the comparative expense of just buying the Skill yourself. Buying that Contact with History-15 with Usually…

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Reverse Missiles – the options

This is in response to a quite interesting thread on Reverse Missiles. Like many things that occur at the intersection of magic and technology of any sort, there can be many answers depending on the metaphysics of how it is all supposed to work. Reverse Missiles 101 The key bits are There is one hit…


More notes on Alien Menace session 2

+Peter V. Dell’Orto  makes some good comments about the campaign over at Dungeon Fantastic. Some are worth dwelling on in particular. Group Movement The reason I picked six squad members, and in this case it was two NPCs and four PCs, was to give three pairs of two. The team moved either solo or as a…