March 2014 Blog Carnival: Five Days Left!

There are five days remaining in the RPGBA Blog Carnival for March 2014! The topic is VTTs, Online Gaming, and (by extension), computer gaming aids. There’s lots to talk about here. My post from earlier this week, where I actually discuss my experiences with Fantasy Grounds, formed after interviewing +Doug Davison , was quite widely read. So:…

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Christian knocks one out of the park

Remember what happens next? +Christian Blouin pens at least a GURPS 303 article on using social reactions and influence against PCs. Any time you’re “compelling” the characters to act a certain way, you need to be somewhat cautious, but still, it can be done, and often is an important part of a majorly fun plotline Consternation…

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Shot through the heart, and you’re to blame

+Peter V. Dell’Orto discussed how much damage is required to kill in GURPS hand to hand combat the other day. In it, he notes: Yeah, it’s true. Gunfire can push you to -5xHP so easily I decided it wasn’t even worth discussing. But a post about different pistols and rifles and kills might be worth doing…