Hirelings have a shelf life
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Hirelings have a shelf life

I’m in full-on playtest and writing mode on the Heretical D&D project, which is why my schedule for Reloading Press and Sunday Review have both been disrupted. But . . . the ever-interesting +Peter V. Dell’Orto has been writing about hirelings. It occurs to me that the other side of the ‘treat the hirelings like dirt’ coin…

Geek & Sundry on GURPS – some praise, some misconceptions
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Geek & Sundry on GURPS – some praise, some misconceptions

Image from Geek&Sundry Article. Pretty cool, actually. Geek & Sundry just published a piece on RPGs that aren’t D&D. The author, Jessica Fisher, paints a brief picture of four game systems that aren’t the 800-lb gorilla of the RPG world: D&D in its various incarnations. Interestingly enough, Ms. Fisher notes that she got her start…