
Musings on the Steve Jackson Interview – Part 2 (mostly VTTs)

I interviewed +Steve Jackson, who of course wrote and published the game system for which I write, GURPS. +Jeffro Johnson said nice things about the interview. Steve and I covered a lot of ground, much of which could have elicited an even larger response than I made during the interview itself. I’m going to excerpt…

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Firing Squad welcomes Nolan T Jones of Roll20

Today the Firing Squad puts Nolan T Jones of Roll20 up against the wall, in a slightly-belated but much anticipated (at least by me) continuation of the Virtual TableTop  topic for the RPGBA Blog Carnival. We’ll be discussing the ideal features of VTTs, where Roll20’s strengths and weaknesses lie, support for major and minor games,…

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Gaming Ballistic’s Firing Squad welcome Doug Davison of Fantasy Grounds

March 2014’s RPG Blog Carnival is focusing on Virtual TableTops and Online Gaming. I invited VTT creators to chat with me briefly about the state of VTTs, and what’s the future of online RPGs. This evening I sat down for a brief chat with +Doug Davison , President of SmiteWorks, the company that owns and develops…