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Actual Play: DF Jade Regent: Here there be dragons

After a very long absence, we returned to discuss . . . dragons. +Nathan Joy, the GM, says: “So, you have mariskos to the East, blocking the Path of Aganhei, weird things to the North that may have been heavily forshadowed in the windy pit o’ mean shaman, and a dragon that has recently been…

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Actual Play: DF Jade Regent – The Pit of Frozen Guys

GM: +Nathan Joy Players: +Mark Langsdorf , +Theodore Briggs , +Emily Smirle , and me. After we found the cleft in the wall from last game, we decided that we needed to just walk into trouble. So we followed the pathway up, whereupon Cadmus, still under the influence of being Pharasmically drunk or something, bumps into a wall, revealing a secret passage….

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Actual Play: GURPS Jade Regent

This is a combined report of the last two sessions. On hand were +Nathan Joy (GM), +Emily Smirle , +Theodore Briggs , +Mark Langsdorf , and +Kevin Smyth. Last time, we basically headed out for Tian, journeying north for an epic trek across the frozen top of the world. We got ambushed in a narrow passage, with a 100′ tall cliff of ice and…