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Actual Play: GURPS Jade Regent – Win the battle, end befuddled

We picked up where we left off. Shiba, Thumvar, and Staver were in the thick of it on the right side of the battlefield, while Cadmus was preparing to invoke Smite again against something like eleven targets in range. Well, good plan. The other guys managed to not get too badly grappled and mangled by…

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Actual Play: DF Jade Regent – Team Ameiko vs. endless hordes of undead

After the last game, the team (without me – I was out for some reason) had managed to survive the cave-in that was Pharasmically induced, do some minor looting before the entire cave system collapsed, and watch as one undead dragon flew off with a dead dragon in its claws. Yeah, like we won’t be seeing…

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GURPS Jade Regent: Enter the Dragons

We picked up where we left off in +Nathan Joy‘s game. . . . Cadmus was praying, others were standing or hovering around, and a dragon that could move through ice like it was yogurt was, well, moving through the ice like yogurt. It burst through right under Shiba ( +Mark Langsdorf ) and Thumvar ( +Theodore Briggs ),…