Actual Play: Hall of Judgment Play Report
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Actual Play: Hall of Judgment Play Report

This is a play report from my friend Euan, who goes by (E) on Discord and the SJGames Forums. He finally got a chance to play through Hall of Judgment… Characters  M Gamal A thief with the cover profession of healer. Nominal team leader.   Kierra Lugh (lou)  Barbarian, ST 21 spear and shield plus…

Awesome Loot Score
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Awesome Loot Score

We defeated some Rock Mites and Slugbeasts in Kevin’s Eastmarch game. We beat them, and there were some prime adventurers who’d been killed in the same region whose bodies we got to loot. Coincidentally, they were killed on the same mission we’re on. Hmmm. In any case, Kevin rolled a bunch using Dungeon Fantasy 8:…

Camelia’s Magic Shoppe
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Camelia’s Magic Shoppe

I’m playing in a Dungeon Fantasy RPG game run by the author of Hand of Asgard and Norðlondr Folk: Kevin Smyth. There’s a magic shop in town, run by a woman named Camelia. One of the setting features – which I highly endorse and tried to mechanize a bit in Nordlond/Torengar by having “The Shattering”…