DF Eastmarch: Boss Fight and House Rules
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DF Eastmarch: Boss Fight and House Rules

Last night we executed the attack on what we knew going in was going to be a Boss Fight, running through the adventure from You All Meet at an Inn (Pyramid 3/98). This was to be my second game. I’m playing a Martial Artist (An-Men Xingzhe) with a Thief lens, built on 275 points with…

Roleplay Rescue: Defense Roll Reversal podcast
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Roleplay Rescue: Defense Roll Reversal podcast

A bit under three weeks ago, Che Webster (who creates the Roleplay Rescue podcast) tossed down a few thoughts about declaring defenses first in the Dungeon Fantasy RPG. It was helpful at his table and addressed some concerns that his group expressed. I commented about it here: Commentary: Che Webster’s Defense Roll Reversal we then did…

Commentary: Che Webster’s Defense Roll Reversal
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Commentary: Che Webster’s Defense Roll Reversal

Buckle up. This is going to be fun. First, homework Che Webster of Roleplay Rescue posted some thoughts on eschewing a hit roll entirely, and only making folks roll defenses while playing GURPS. Go read Defense Roll Reversal to ensure that you understand what I’m paraphrasing. Next, this isn’t the first time such things have…