KrommDay Summary Jul 21 – Jul 27, 2017
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KrommDay Summary Jul 21 – Jul 27, 2017

Thursday is GURPSDay, but today is a special day: the GURPS Line Editor, Sean Punch, turns 50. So happy birthday to Doctor Kromm. Several of us are going to be offering some retrospectives about why working with Sean is a true pleasure. In fact, one of the reasons I upped my ante for the Dungeon…

GURPSDay Summary Jul 7 – Jul 13, 2017
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GURPSDay Summary Jul 7 – Jul 13, 2017

Thursday is GURPSDay, I’m back. Here’s an actual “before 9am” post, and I even wrote something this week, with a more GURPSy shield post that is in my head for today. Welcome to the second year of GURPSDay, and here’s the pull for this week. We’re currently drawing content from 89 blogs. Only 11 more to go…