Quick Note to GURPSDay Bloggers . . .
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Quick Note to GURPSDay Bloggers . . .

If you blog for GURPSDay . . . or want to start, please do me a favor and email me at gurpsday@gmail.com. Please use GURPDay Mailing List in the title. Please do this even if you’ve contacted me on this address before. Definitely do it if we never connected by this address, but used G+,…

GURPS Day Summary Through Sept 29, 2016
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GURPS Day Summary Through Sept 29, 2016

Thursday is GURPSDay. We’re entering the last day of the Dungeon Fantasy Kickstarter. It fully funded during Day 16, about four days ago, and is still going strong. It looks to be pushing to around $155,000 plus another $30K from W23 sales, which gives us the 180,000 stretch goal of a month of Pyramid (one…

Special GURPSDay for DF Kickstarter
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Special GURPSDay for DF Kickstarter

GURPS is getting a much-needed shot in the arm thanks to the Dungeon Fantasy Kickstarter. It has met and exceeded its funding goals, and the SJG team have made it so that any purchases of GURPS products on Warehouse 23 also count for “how well did the KS do” when it comes to stretch goals….