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Melee Academy: Multiple Attacks

In GURPS, you can pack a lot of action into just a few seconds. But sometimes, you just need even more. While the various attack maneuvers let you strike a blow in the name of science (as an example), sometimes, due to a surfeit of targets or a surplus of awesomeness on your own part,…

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Grip Strength Made Easy (Easier)

Originally in Technical Grappling, Grip ST – how many dice you get to roll when you grab someone – was figured differently. During revision, it was changed, and during playtest, it was altered, folder, spindled, and mutilated. Ultimately, I decided to go with a precise way to combine limbs when grappling. Figure out the contribution…

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Designer’s Notes – On Target (Pyr #3/77)

Am I bound and determined to revisit and rewrite every GURPS rule?  No. But in writing Technical Grappling, I became very taken with effect rolls, in the vein of hit points and control points. The general progression of a hit roll followed by an effect roll is familiar and favored by gamers. Personally, I like…