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RPGBA Blog Carnival (March 2014) – VTTs and Online Gaming Wrapup

(Note: This post is dated March 31. Additional posts are available below, so if you came looking, you’ll find them underneath this one until March ends.) The March 2014 Blog Carnival Topic was “Virtual Table-Tops and Online Gaming.” As part of the carnival, I sought out and interviewed as many creators of computer-based gaming aids…

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Firing Squad with Benjamin Loomes of Syrinscape

March 2014’s RPG Blog Carnival is focusing on Virtual TableTops and Online Gaming. I invited VTT creators to chat with me briefly about the state of VTTs, and what’s the future of online RPGs. This evening I sat down for a brief chat with +Benjamin Loomes, lead developer of Syrinscape, a program that enables playing…

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Alternate GURPS III – By Default designer’s notes

I’m riffing a bit off of +Christopher R. Rice and +Antoni Ten Monrós chatting about their own article, Team Up, in this month’s issue, Pyramid #3/65: Alternate GURPS III. I’ll be reviewing the entire thing sometime soon, after the Blog Carnival finishes up and I get all the stuff done for it (mostly two more interviews; three if I…