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Thanks to The Round Table!

I mentioned this yesterday in my Update, but I was on The Round Table with James Introcaso, and the podcast went live yesterday. Wow. Just wow. Best Kickstarter day since the first week of the campaign, when my relatives were claiming “sponsorship” levels. I listened to the edited podcast, and modesty aside, it’s a good…

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Halfway there! (Duplicates Dungeon Grappling Update #13)

We’re halfway there! From a time perspective, as well as financially, though projections are still as good as guesses in a networked world. The Kickstarter went live two weeks ago today, and we are currently marching through towards the final two stretch goals – paying for all full-color interior art and also commissioning a great…

Gaming Ballistic LLC – Update for 11/18
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Gaming Ballistic LLC – Update for 11/18

Administration Still working the kickstarter, of course! Things are going well, and the KS is trending to roughly hit the “full color” stretch goal. Of course, in my Update #11 I promised to deliver full-color anyway, but having all of that art fully covered would be nice, and if we overfunded my team could get bonuses….