Color Schemes and Banners
Hrm. Color schemes, and some rendered art for monsters, I think? There’s a nice free generator I can use, though I’d rather have a backdrop of an actual dungeon scene. Some actual dungeon scenes below the break
Information on Gaming Ballistic, LLC – the company, the blog, and the products
I’ve got two dozen pieces of art being worked on Dragon Heresy. I am starting to get either final products or color WIP. I thought I’d tease some examples. The first is a small illustration that will likely appear next to a table on setting difficulty for tasks. My art direction asked for a dented…
Importing from Blogger Well, sometimes the right answer is just “chill the heck out.” Blogger Importer Extended was updated very recently, and is now compatible with WordPress 4.6.1 So if you have the time, you can just click “go” and it’ll bring in what you need without having to resort to a roll-back. I am…