Looking for public domain and commercial fantasy art
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Looking for public domain and commercial fantasy art

I’m looking for links and pointers to any of the following things Verified public domain black and white and color with fantasy themes. Images that you own personally but are willing to donate Images that you own personally and are willing to defer payment on until a crowdfunding event at a later date In the…

Heretical Campaign 1 – The Ogre of Northpoint
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Heretical Campaign 1 – The Ogre of Northpoint

Again we play the Heretical DnD, and again it works. This was the beginning of a real campaign, though, not just a playtest. So we did get to take the rules for a spin, but there was a lot of free-wheeling “make stuff up” as well. Dramatis Personae Sunshine ( +Peter V. Dell’Orto ) – 1st level…

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Seeking Cartographer for Heretical D&D Project

I think I’ll be looking for a fantasy cartographer or cartographers to help me make the world, continent, nation, and perhaps a few cities. I’m in the sketching-out phase right now, so there’s tremendous room for influencing the style and even the contents of the world.  I think that a decent sketch-map, with a more…