Other People’s Posts: Tim writes about 3D GURPS

Other People’s Posts: Tim writes about 3D GURPS

+Tim Shorts over at Gothridge Manor writes about the most amazing 3D dungeon I’ve ever seen. And bonus – while the scenario in question will likely be released as a D&D game, it was originally statted out and executed in GURPS. Simply amazing prop design, and I do wish that such fan work was easier to…

Increasing Dodge through skill

Increasing Dodge through skill

There’s a pretty interesting thread over on the forums where someone was asking a bunch of questions about Martial Arts and Technical Grappling. So +Peter V. Dell’Orto and I are both happy. But one point the author makes is that if you take two fighters, one ridiculously skilled and the other not-so-much, that as awesome as their…

Violent Resolution: And the Rockets’ Red Glare
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Violent Resolution: And the Rockets’ Red Glare

And the Rockets’ red glare, the Bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our Flag was still there;                                    â€” Francis Scott Key (1814 broadside printing) Pretty much any time that foes gather together in convenient…