The Dwarven Stronghold likes grappling
+Boric Glanduum over at The Dwarven Stronghold has reviewed Gothridge Manor #8. He seems to like it. You might too – why don’t you pick up a copy and find out?
Posts about playing and running the various OSR systems
When I wrote Technical Grappling for GURPS, I had a basic design philosophy: use the same concepts as a striking roll – attack, defense, damage – to inflict a variable amount of effect on your foe. In this case, the effect is control and restraint, rather than injury. +Peter V. Dell’Orto liked the concept enough to…
Today is Swords and Wizardry appreciation day, and since I’ve been involved in a S&W campaign for a bit thanks to the kind invitation of +Erik Tenkar, I thought I’d throw my own thoughts into the ring. I came to S&W after being reintroduced to playing D&D through a short tour in a Pathfinder campaign. Pathfinder…