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Reclaiming Khazad-Dum: First Session

Joined +Christian Blouin, +Jason Woollard , +Arne Jamtgaard , +Paul Stefko , and Gordon for my first session of his Dwarf-based campaign. It started in media res, with Drolf, my borrowed PC-turned-NPC-turned-PC literally teetering on the edge of a 30m drop, having been pushed there by an enormous angry tree creature: a Huorn. Something that’s not an Ent. But big, mad, and…

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Joining Orbs and Balrogs!

Yay, I get to play in another GURPS campaign! I’ll be joining +Christian Blouin and diverse others in his Reclaiming Khazad-dum campaign as of tonight. I’m very excited. It’s another fantasy-style campaign, but this one is pure GURPS (Tolkien based) rather than Golarion with GURPS. So we’ll see what flavor is there. Also, this group has decided…

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Technical Natasha – Black Widow in Iron Man 2

A while back I promised to go through the fight scene between Natasha Romanov (Black Widow) and a small army of mook guards from Iron Man 2, using Technical Grappling. Not a bad topic for my 200th post since Dec 26, 2012! The key fight takes place in about a minute, from roughly 0:20 in…