Fate Point Economy – Random thought

I’ve been reading some posts recently mostly expressing dissatisfaction on the Fate Point Economy for the Fate system. I was wondering if it would be interesting if instead of a certain number of Fate Points for each character, that players could invoke as many aspects as many times as they’d like, but each time they…

Increasing Dodge through skill

Increasing Dodge through skill

There’s a pretty interesting thread over on the forums where someone was asking a bunch of questions about Martial Arts and Technical Grappling. So +Peter V. Dell’Orto and I are both happy. But one point the author makes is that if you take two fighters, one ridiculously skilled and the other not-so-much, that as awesome as their…

Majestic Wilderlands – Otyugh and the Dragon Maze
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Majestic Wilderlands – Otyugh and the Dragon Maze

When last we left our heroes, we’d just played a fey game, and since we weren’t dead or asleep for 1,000 years, we considered ourselves victors. Journeying to the forest, and headed across a ridgeline, we discover 8 orcs (that we can see) trying to lay an ambush for us. They are about 120-140′ from…