Thursday is GURPSDay! June 7 to June 27, 2019
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Thursday is GURPSDay! June 7 to June 27, 2019

Thursday is GURPSDay, and I’m getting it on Thursday, but I did miss last week. I’m hoping things are headed in a “calming down” direction that will let me return to some actual blogging. I don’t know if I can see the end yet, but maybe. Maybe. Scroll all the way down (the random order…

Pre-Orders for Five Perilous Journeys are open!
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Pre-Orders for Five Perilous Journeys are open!

The crowdfunding campaign for “Four Perilous Journeys: New Adventures for The Fantasy Trip” closed on June 8. It hit 250% funding and smashed my previous records for both backers and funds raised. If you missed the campaign, or wanted to join in but could not . . .it’s not too late. The Pre-Order Store for…

Hall of Judgment (1st Edition) softcover print is ON SALE at 50% off
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Hall of Judgment (1st Edition) softcover print is ON SALE at 50% off

The first 3rd-party licensed product for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG is on sale until I run out (there are only 50 or so copies left) for the same price as the PDF: $12.50. This doesn’t have some errata fixes, and the maps are the older style instead of the upgraded Glynn Seal maps. Hall of…