Citadel campaign over. OK, what’s next?
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Citadel campaign over. OK, what’s next?

OK. Slept a bit. Not a lot. Spent most of the night having vivid nightmares about shipping. What’s that about? So, we’re done, we not just funded, but we busted a bunch of stretch goals! Including offset print! What the @#!!#@ is Offset Print? The short version is this: Here’s a link to a chat about…

Offset Print run: PILLAGED, by Oðinn!
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Offset Print run: PILLAGED, by Oðinn!

Son of a gun. We did it! So offset print it is. And with all of the Viking Raider pledges, I think I might need another batch of Hall of Judgment as well! I’m going to publish the update below to a bunch of RPG sites. If folks want to come by (or post on…

Citadel at Nordvorn: Last 14 Hours!
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Citadel at Nordvorn: Last 14 Hours!

Last 14 hours! Offset print run only $1,412 away The Citadel at Nordvorn campaign has exceeded my expectations, and is encroaching on exceeding my hopes. I never really thought we’d be this close! But Hall of Judgment brought in over $2,000 in the final day . . . so who knows! How can we get…