Heretical DnD: More thoughts on the Stress Threshold
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Heretical DnD: More thoughts on the Stress Threshold

When last we left our heroes, they (me) had first given some stream-of-consciousness thoughts on revamping what hits and misses mean, as well as differentiating between Stress and Wounds, and slapping on Damage Resistance or an Armor Value as the typical last-ditch defense when the wounding threshold is exceeded and a weapon actually hits the…

Aeon S1E4: Breakfast at Epiphanies
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Aeon S1E4: Breakfast at Epiphanies

October 28, 2015 Dramatis Personae The Commander (Doug) – telekinetic super-soldier with a really angry dog Arc Light (Christian) – battlsuited gadgeteer with electrical powers The Rat Queen (Emily) – brick with super-perception; made of actual rats Eamon Finnegan (Kyle) – smooth talking gravity-master; Ultimate Fighting Lawyer, to borrow a phrase. Zephyr (Merlin) – Real…