Grappling at The Flagon
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Grappling at The Flagon

Over at The Dragon’s Flagon, the wayfarer penned something about grappling. Naturally, since I’ve had a few things to say about it myself, I was drawn in as the proverbial moth to the flame. He’s writing a “fantasy-heartbreaker” RPG. What is that? I had to look it up, and found this definition over on The…

Zoned “mapless” combat for GURPS

Zoned “mapless” combat for GURPS

I’m blog-stalking +Peter V. Dell’Orto these days. You should too. He’s penned a few posts on mapless combat for GURPS that got me thinking, again, of borrowing concepts from other games. In this case, the concept of Zones from Fate. Zones are a nice, abstract way of thinking about who’s where in a narrative game. You can fight…

Random initiative and a fixed GURPS turn

Random initiative and a fixed GURPS turn

+Christopher R. Rice laid down a post about using random initiative in GURPS that turned into both an interesting “GURPS 201” post (small house rules based only on the Basic Set) as well as a thought experiment. Some notes: GURPS combat is based on a fixed turn order. Mess with this at your peril, perhaps. GURPS combat…