Search Results for: viking

Firing Squad Interview: Tim Shorts of Gothridge Manor

About ten days ago, I sat down with +Tim Shorts of Gothridge Manor. This month’s Blog Carnival interview-palooza has thrown a kink in my usual priority order (FIFO) for interviews, and so this one appears after several others. It also took me a bit to get to the final transcript, as I had a vacation in the…

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Pyramid #3/38: Seven Mythical Artifacts for Dungeon Fantasy

Talk about the titular polar opposite of the previous article, The Golden Geniza of Ezkali. Seven Mythical Artifacts for Dungeon Fantasy is precisely what it says on the tin. Seven items, taken from real-world myth and legend, with which to spice up your Dungeon Fantasy campaign. Each one gives a brief overview of the mythological origin…

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Melee Academy: Muscle-Powered Ranged Weaponry 101

Though the title is Melee Academy, being able to do harm at a distance is important in many genres. However, up until the invention of the windlass, cranequin, gunpowder, and fast-discharge supercapacitor, what you’re really doing is finding ways of translating your strength into injury. Also on Melee Academy, Ranged Edition: Peter Dell’Orto talks about…