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Incapacitation Station

After the discussion on how to kill someone dead in GURPS with firearms (which really does devolve to shoot ’em a lot in places that matter, more or less like real life), a few commenters noted that “dead in one turn” isn’t really where it’s at. +Peter V. Dell’Orto has noted before that dying, in GURPS, is…

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Shot through the heart, and you’re to blame

+Peter V. Dell’Orto discussed how much damage is required to kill in GURPS hand to hand combat the other day. In it, he notes: Yeah, it’s true. Gunfire can push you to -5xHP so easily I decided it wasn’t even worth discussing. But a post about different pistols and rifles and kills might be worth doing…


Don’t stop here – go read Dungeon Fantastic today

If you’re new to GURPS, or are sometimes frustrated or confused or find GURPS melee combat to be slow, +Peter V. Dell’Orto has some good advice for you. GURPS 101: Avoiding Combat Analysis-Paralysis in GURPS He nicely covers some options (and non-options) to keep things simple. It’s not even a false economy of simple. I’ve heard that while…