
Don’t stop here – go read Dungeon Fantastic today

If you’re new to GURPS, or are sometimes frustrated or confused or find GURPS melee combat to be slow, +Peter V. Dell’Orto has some good advice for you. GURPS 101: Avoiding Combat Analysis-Paralysis in GURPS He nicely covers some options (and non-options) to keep things simple. It’s not even a false economy of simple. I’ve heard that while…

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New appreciation for old school revival gaming

So, when +Peter V. Dell’Orto told me that some guy named +Erik Tenkar was looking for extra members for his Swords and Wizardry “B-Team” campaign, I’ll admit I more or less had no idea who Erik was when Peter told me to sign up, only that I had had most of the games I played in drop offline. Trail…