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Swords and Wizardry B-Team Strikes Back

We gathered after a long hiatus, mostly caused by real tragedy in +Erik Tenkar. We all wake the the same dream. Skeletons, charging a village called Aberton, a skeletal foot crushing a signpost. Hmm. No cleric. Crap. This will end badly, and we just woke up. +Peter V. Dell’Orto and I both have a vision of a…

Fun Friday Art courtesy of Christopher Rice

As +Christopher R. Rice is transcribing my interviews, he often freezes the video. Apparently this results in hilarity for him. Witness: This is a more or less correct impression, since there may or may not be something from Christopher’s Pyramid Write Club (We do not talk about Write Club) that someone did that borrows heavily from TG…

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Melee Academy: Fighting People Better Than You

I hope that Melee Academy attracted lots of posts today, and so I’ll list them first. Melee Academy: Dealing With Superior Foes (Dungeon Fantastic) Melee Academy: Outgunned, Outmanned, and Outmaneuvered – Now What? (Ravens ‘N Pennies) Next Academy: PCs against really bad odds. (Virtual Table Topping) Melee Academy: Hero System Style (RPG Snob) TL;DR Today’s Melee…