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Actual Play: DF Jade Regent – Team Ameiko vs. endless hordes of undead

After the last game, the team (without me – I was out for some reason) had managed to survive the cave-in that was Pharasmically induced, do some minor looting before the entire cave system collapsed, and watch as one undead dragon flew off with a dead dragon in its claws. Yeah, like we won’t be seeing…

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Interview with Sean Punch – Text transcript and audio file

Thanks to all the people who watched my interview with GURPS Line Editor +Sean Punch in the video format. As promised, though, and for those who can’t or don’t like to watch video, here are two other ways to enjoy it. First, an MP3 audio file. It’s like 125MB, so be warned: not small. Next, and this…


Technical Grappling Q&A – Part 1

With any new system that introduces new mechanics, questions come up. Technical Grappling introduces some new stuff, such as Trained ST, Bite ST, Control Points, and a host of changes and tweaks to existing mechanics. I thought I’d throw down a list of the questions I’ve had to answer, either on the SJG Forums, my…