
Delayed Gratification, ‘A Matter of Inches’, and Grand Unified Beat Theory

GURPS Martial Arts has a neat little (highly optional) box on minute differences between melee weapons when it comes to various combat activities, such as Stop Hits, Feints, and Fast-Draw contests. There was a question that showed up from Landwalker over on the SJG Forums about combining ‘A Matter of Inches’ (Martial Arts, p. 110)…


My God, It’s full of GURPS

I wrote about a logjam of GURPS that was pending, right? And Pyramid being awesome GURPSiness? Well, check out the GURPS News. Excerpts from +Sean Punch‘s update (the text in green are his words, copied from the GURPS News) , with a focus on release dates: With other GURPS material biding its time, it seems appropriate to remind…