Search Results for: shield GURPS


Combat Ebb and Flow, Feint, and Evaluate

I wrote The Last Gasp in order to put lulls and flurries into combat, among other things. I wrote Delayed Gratification because I didn’t really like Feints much, and introduced the Setup Attack as a notional replacement or supplement. But I was thinking about Feints and Waits (next week! Melee Academy is May 9!) partially as a response to…


Pathfinder read-through – Chapter 6: Equipment

Well, been a bit since I’ve looked at Pathfinder, so it’s time to return to the read-through. A retroactive (and oft-repeated) introduction: After an actual-play hiatus where I was mostly writing and playtesting for GURPS. I was invited to play in a Pathfinder game, and after a few sessions, it was time to buy the…


Pathfinder read-through – Chapter 5: Feats

A retroactive (and oft-repeated) introduction: After an actual-play hiatus where I was mostly writing and playtesting for GURPS. I was invited to play in a Pathfinder game, and after a few sessions, it was time to buy the book and learn the rules! I decided to try and read the Pathfinder rules cover-to-cover and see what inspiration strikes,…